strategic communications for socially-conscious films and brands

We help you tell your story

Birchwood lives in the intersection of storytelling, partnership, and social responsibility. We hone story and strategy, create thoughtful content, and foster grassroots awareness that drives both engagement and profit. We help businesses infuse purpose into their business models by finding dynamic intersections of storytelling and social good.

How we help

  • We partner with your team to identify the strengths of your brand, which stories to amplify, and how to frame them for your specific audience.

  • After a content audit of your existing marketing materials, we will provide suggestions and work with you to discuss and develop the best path forward. Together, we will ensure consistent execution across all communication channels.

  • What kinds of content will best engage your audience with your message? We create marketing assets that propel your cause forward and deepen engagement. The form (social media content, discussion guides, web copy, etc) all depend on and are customized to your mission and goals.

  • Purpose-driven marketing relies on partnership with like-minded and like-hearted individuals and organizations. We identify draw on our network of influencers, nonprofits, foundations, ecumenical organizations to drive awareness and gain earned media.

  • We specialize in strategic consulting, identifying opportunities to showcase your product and service in a social impact context.

  • Events are living stories! We help you create and execute events best in line with your brand’s vision and purposes.

Contact Us

We are always eager to connect with socially-conscious and innovative filmmakers and brands. Please reach out and let’s talk through your project potential.